
Lissandra, the Ice Witch is now on PBE

The new champion Lissandra, the Ice Witch is now on PBE, as the 2013 new AP champion. Let’s have a look together.

Iceborn ( Passive )
Every 18 seconds Lissandra's next ability costs no mana. This cooldown is reduced by 1 second whenever Lissandra impairs an enemy's movement with an ability ( does not apply to movement-impairing effects from items )

Ice Shard ( Q )
Throws a spear of ice that shatters when it hits an enemy, dealing 75/110/145/180/215 ( +.65 AP) magic damage and slowing Movement Speed by 16/19/22/25/28% for 1.5 seconds. Shards then pass through the target dealing the same damage to other enemies hit.
Cooldown: 6/5.5/5/4.5/4 seconds  || Mana Cost: 85 mana at all ranks.

Ring of Frost ( W )
Deals  70/110/150/190/230 ( +.6 AP ) magic damage to nearby enemies and roots them for 1.1/1.2/1.3/1.4/1.5 seconds.Cooldown: 18/16/14/12/10 || Mana cost: 70 mana at all ranks.Glacial Path ( E )
Casts an ice claw thats deals 70/115/160/205/250 ( +.6 AP )magic damage to all enemies hit. Reactivating this ability transports Lissandra to the claw's current location.Cooldown: 24/21/18/15/12 seconds || Mana cost: 80/85/90/95/100 Mana

Frozen Tomb ( R )
On Enemy Cast: Freezes target champion solid, stunning it for 1.5 seconds
On Self Cast: Lissandra encases herself in dark ice for 1.5 seconds, becoming untargetable and invulnerable but unable to take any actions.
Dark Ice then emanates from the target dealing 150/300/450 ( +.7 AP ) magic damage to enemies. The ice lasts for 3 seconds and slows enemy movement speed by 20%
Cooldown: 130/105/80 seconds  || Mana cost: 100 at all ranks

Mid lane: Lissandra's mobility and crowd control skills make her an ideal choice for aggressive, roaming mid play. By shoving the lane with her AoE abilities, the Ice Witch can create the space she needs to make a move on top or bottom lane. The long range blink from Glacial Path lets her get the drop on enemies from unexpected angles by jumping terrain or by circumventing typical ward locations. Once the ambush has been sprung, Lissandra's potent combination of slows, roots and stuns allows her to stick to an opponent and close out the kill.

Top lane: Lissandra's passive allows her to be much less dependent on blue buff compared to many of her AP counterparts, making her an excellent, self-sufficient choice for top lane. Despite her low base durability, the long range blink on Glacial Path helps Lissandra stay safe by pulling off daring escapes. If she's caught in a gank, Lissandra can freeze her would-be killers in place with Ring of Frost before disappearing over terrain with a well-placed Glacial Path. The area of effect damage on Ice Shard also allows Lissandra to guard turrets even when pressured, or press the lane in an attempt to lure enemy junglers into a counter-gank. When an opponent takes the bait, Lissandra can cast Frozen Tomb on herself, ensuring her own survival as she uses her other abilities to set up kills.

Team fights: Lissandra isn't the type of mage who immediately blows up high-value targets, but instead has the potential to lay down impressive amounts of damage and crowd control on grouped up opponents. The AoE aspect to Ice Shard keeps enemies pinned down through repeated area damage and slow effects while she waits for the opportune moment to unleash her full combo. Once she sees an opening, Lissandra can use Glacial Path to close in and lock down a high-value target with Frozen Tomb. If the opposing team starts to focus her, Lissandra can instead use Frozen Tomb on herself, juking the initial burst before escaping with Ring of Frost. If you're looking for a mage who favors crowd control, mobility and kiting over raw burst damage, Lissandra is sure to make a welcome addition to your lineup.


Lissandra’s magic twists the pure power of ice into something dark and terrible. With the force of her black ice, she does more than freeze – she impales and crushes those who oppose her. To the terrified denizens of the north, she is known only as “The Ice Witch.” The truth is much more sinister: Lissandra is a corruptor of nature who plots to unleash an ice age on the world.
Centuries ago, Lissandra betrayed her tribe to evil creatures, known as the Frozen Watchers, in return for power. That was the last day that warm blood ran through her veins. With her corrupted tribesmen and the strength of the Watchers, she swept across the land like a terrible blizzard. As her empire spread, the world grew colder and ice choked the land. When the Watchers were defeated by ancient heroes, Lissandra did not lose faith and swore to prepare the world for their return.

Lissandra worked to purge all knowledge of the Watchers from the world. Using magic to take human form, she masqueraded as numerous seers and elders. Over the course of generations, she rewrote the stories of the Freljord, and so the history of its people changed. Today the fragmented retellings of the Watchers are seen as children’s tales. But this deception wasn’t enough – Lissandra also needed an army.
She set her sights on the noble Frostguard tribe. Lissandra knew corrupting the Frostguard would take centuries, and so she launched her greatest deception. She murdered and stole the identity of the Frostguard leader. Then she slowly began to warp the tribe’s proud traditions. When her human form grew old, she faked her own death and then murdered her successor to steal her identity. With each generation, the Frostguard grew more insular, cruel and twisted. Today, the world still sees them as a noble and peaceful tribe that guards against evil creatures like the Ice Witch. In truth, they now serve the witch and long for the glorious return of the Watchers.
Lissandra knows that on that day nations will fall and the world will be reborn in ice.
“Close your eyes and let the cold take you.” - Lissandra

