
Choose the tribe and start the battle for Freljord

Now you can choose new icons in League of Legends to start the battle for Freljord. After 10 wins, you will get the icon permanently while the other two icons will disappear.

Choose your tribe
You can join the battle for the Freljord by declaring your allegiance to Ashe, Sejuani or Lissandra. At the start of the event, you’ll be able to choose from the following three summoner icons:

These are the lands of the Avarosan. Search through these fertile lands to learn more of Ashe and her people.

Winter's Claw
The Winter's Claw claimed the rugged, windswept slopes of the northern Freljord as their home. Explore to learn more about this blood-soaked and barren land.

Hidden beneath an eternal winter, the Frostguard dwell deep in the ruins of the ancient Freljord. Explore their desolate realm to learn more.

Choose the tribe you back up via selecting their banner as your summoner icon. You will be able to own the icon permanently after 10 wins with the same icon. You need to restart if winning a game with a different tribal icon. So think twice before you choose!

