The Latest Discounts on Skin & Champion: 6.28 - 7.01
From June 28th to July 1st, the latest discounts on skin and champion in League of Legends for limited time have been released. During this period, you'll be able to buy Warmonger Sion for 487 RP, Hextech Singed for 260 RP, Tundra Hunter Warwick for 260 RP, Skarner for 440 RP, LeBlanc for 395 RP, and Gangplank for 395 RP.
Global LOL Combat Capacity Search System Available Now
Dear Summoners:
The international game source platform, GAMEGUYZ provides you with the latest, most extensive and exclusive game information. A new function added to LOLDB is the first step we have strived to make towards the most professional game source platform:Global LOL Comat Capacity
Search System
Let's have a look at how powerful it is:
1. Enter the summoner's name of your own or your friend’s;
2. Select the proper region;
3. Search the user's details in game, including:
A、 Personal Combat Capacity B、 Recent Match Win% C、 Personal Status Analysis
(A: You can make a judgment on an opponent's ability based on personal combat capacity before game; C: Preference of personal position makes you have a better understanding)
D、Champion win% and combat capacity for a champion
(D: It will not only include a total combat capacity, but also make you better understand the combat capacity of your own, team mates, as well as opponents)
E、Ranking Tournament Information
F、Recent March Record, such as wins or loses, Items of 10-man, and Combat Statistic Analysis.
(F: You can sum up recent games and make a post-game analysis for improvement in future)
G、 Summoner’s Masteries and Rune in game
(G: You can check out for your friends’ summoner masteries and runes configuration or the powerful ones you come across in the game)
H. Global Ranking in Categories
(H: You will be informed of various rankings)
Outlook for System:
1: We will provide the most detailed analysis for each summoner, and recommend items, masteries and runes based on your role, champion with overall data and the strongest player data.
2. Personal page for each summoner. You can make an analysis based the data we have kept for you: record the reason of your item build, representative games, reasons to lose, reasons to win. Players who check out for your information will see all these data. Your page will be recommended for other players to learn and discuss when its hits reaches certain value.
3: We will make an analysis on data from every stage, and suggest a most useful guide for every champion at present.
If you have any suggestion or advice, please connect with us: WebMaster@gameguyz.com
Latest Skin for Sejuani: Bear Cavalry Sejuani
With CIS Regional Tournament finals comes to an end, the subsequent video by Riot Game shows the latest skin for Sejuani. Here is the screenshot in the video.
According to an official announcement by Russia League of Legends,
All the players on Russia server can get free access to her skin and all the other servers will be able to purchase her like a normal skin.
Visual Upgrade for Master Yi
The designers from League of Legends have announced that they will make some adjustments for Master Yi’s visual effect and add Morello's screenshots of Yi's skins!
For the latest news just released by Morello at its official community, please visit:
"Master Yi's slated for a visual upgrade and kit rework in a coming patch. In addition to a new model, more polished animations and expanded voice over, each of Yi's abilities are getting updates to address issues with his popular AP and AD builds. His kit should still feel familiar to both AP and AD enthusiasts, and we're hoping to retain most of the fun aspects of both playstyles.
We had three basic goals with the Master Yi updates:
Polish up Master Yi's art and aesthetics so they hit the same level of polish as new champions
Merge the most enjoyable aspects of AP and AD Yi into a single cohesive playstyle
Place more emphasis on mastering Yi's abilities so he's less frustrating in lower level play and scales better with player skill
Free Champions for This Week
Free champions for League of Legends (Season Three: Week 20) have been announced, including Blitzcrank, Caitlyn, Gangplank, Jarvan IV, Jax, Quinn, Taric, Vladimir, Warwick, and Xerath.
Come on and enjoy your League of Legends this week!
PBE Update for 6/13/2013: Leblanc & Tear of the Goddess
League of Legends PBE update on June 13th: it seems that Draven legendary changes debut. Draven gains his fans' Adoration when he catches a Spinning Axe or kills a minion or monster. Killing enemy champions grants Draven bonus gold based on how much Adoration he has.
[Q] - Twin Bite - Basic attacks reduce the cooldown of Twin Bite by .5 seconds.
[W] - Burnout - Basic attacks extend the duration of Burnout by 1 second to a maximum of 4 seconds.
[E] - Flame Breath - Now deals 80/115/150/185/220 (down from 80/125/170/215/260)
[E] - Flame Breath - No longer burns 15/15/15/15/15% of their Armor for 4 seconds.
[E] - Flame Breath - Now debuffs all enemies it passes through for 5 seconds. Basic attacks to debuffed targets deal 2% of their maximum health as magic damage on-hit.
[R] - Dragon's Descent - No longer reinforces her scales, increasing her Armor and Magic Resist by 10/15/20.
[R] - Dragon's Descent - Now generates 1/2/3 fury every 1.5 seconds. Basic Attacks generate 2/2.5/3 fury.
[Passive] - Wicked Blades - Passive has been fully changed
[Passive] - Wicked Blades - Now: Draven gains his fans' Adoration when he catches a Spinning Axe or kills a minion or monster. Killing enemy champions grants Draven bonus gold based on how much Adoration he has.
[W] - Pillar of Flame - Now costs 70/75/80/85/90 Mana (down from 70/80/90/100/110 Mana)
[E] - Conflagration - Now costs 70/75/80/85/90 Mana (up from 60/65/70/75/80 Mana)
[R] - Pyroclasm - Had its wording changed around
[R] - Pyroclasm - No longer has a "Blaze" effect (Tooltip now says it always prioritizes champions)
[R] - Pyroclasm - Now deals 100/225/350 (changed from 150/250/350)
[R] - Pyroclasm - Now always costs 100 mana (down from 100/150/200)
[Q] - Sigil of Silence - Now deals 55/80/105/130/155 (+0.5) (changed from 70/110/150/190/230 (+0.6))
[Q] - Sigil of Silence - If the target is marked, now deals 55/85/105/130/155 (changed from 20/40/60/80/100)
[Q] - Sigil of Silence - Now silences for 1.5 seconds (down from 2)
[Q] - Sigil of Silence - Now costs 50/60/70/80/90 Mana (changed from 70/75/80/85/90 Mana)
[W] - Distortion - Now costs 80/90/100/110/120 Mana (changed from 80/85/90/95/100 Mana)
[E] - Ethereal Chains - Target must now remained shackled for 1.5 seconds (down from 2)
[E] - Ethereal Chains - Now roots for 1.5 seconds (changed from 1/1.3/1.6/1.9/2.2 second(s).)
[E] - Ethereal Chains - Now costs 14/13/12/11/10 (instead of always 10)
[R] - Mimic - Mimicked spell no longer deals 10/25/40% increased damage.
[R] - Mimic - Mimicked Sigil of Silence and Ethereal Chains deal 100/200/300 (+0.65)magic damage on both instances of their damage.
[R] - Mimic - Mimicked Distortion deals 150/300/450 (+)magic
[R] - Mimic - No costs 0 (changed from 100/50/0)
Maw of Malmortius
Now gives 60 AD (up from 55) Now gives 40 MR (up from 36)
Now grants +1 AD for every 2% of missing health (down from 2.5%) for a ma of 35 AD
Oracle's Elixir
Now lasts through death
(Revealing a ward in this manner grants a portion of the gold reward when that unit is killed.)
Vision Ward
(Revealing a ward in this manner grants a portion of the gold reward when that unit is killed.)
Tear of the Goddess
Now grants +3 to Maximum Mana (down from 4)
League of Legends New Version: Rune Screen and Login Screen Remake
Damiya, the technician of Riot says on the official community when interacting with gamers, “Our client files won’t give up Adobe Air for the moment from the aspect of technology. And many gamers suggest us to show more stories about League of Legends on the client, more contents about the relation among each city – states, which I totally agree. I think it’s a good start to add Freljord patch in the client. Besides, I’m a huge fan of the team working on background story.”
In addition, Damiya also confirms the problems regarding the client, “I’ll be the first to admit there are some problems with the client as it exists right now. PVP.Net is a complex piece of software that has to be shipped out to over 30 million people twice a month (more or less). We always need to improve codes so that the client can run smoother. That said, the process of improving parts is ongoing; the Login screen was reworked a few months back, and with the 3.9 PBE patch, we’ll be rolling out a rewrite of the view code for the Runes screen. At that time, gamers can better operate the rune screen.”
PBE Changes for 6/5: Slay monsters in jungle to gain XP
Small League of Legends PBE patch on June 5th. It has three major changes and all of them relate to field monsters.
Ancient Golem: Now gives 340 (up from 275) base xp on death (220 live)
Lizard: Now gives 340 (up from 275) base xp on death (220 live)
Young Lizard: Now gives 10 (down from 40) base xp on death
Latin America Servers Open Beta Begins
League of Legends Latin America servers now get the open beta. Players just need to purchase the temporarily free server transfer from the in game shop to transfer there.
"We launched the Beta of League of Legends Latin America! This means that all Latino Summoners who play in NA/EUW or BR, services may transfer your account free to any of the 2 servers in Latin America."
Apart from that, some incentives are also prepared for players who want to transfer to other servers.
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